WMR Spring Edcamp 2025
Welcome to our Spring edcamp 2025! There are over 30 sessions scheduled throughout the afternoon covering a wide range of best practices, ideas for leveraging technology, and teacher wellness.

Please make sure you are registered for at least two sessions.  This will serve as our state-mandated (i.e., QSAC required) sign-in sheet for professional development.
Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:55pm - 2:40pm EDT
In this workshop, educators will learn how to guide students through the process of verifying sources and assessing credibility. Using a hands-on approach, we’ll explore a lesson that demonstrates why certain sources, like .com websites, may lack academic reliability. Participants will walk through an engaging activity that helps students analyze specific claims, identify missing citations, and develop critical research skills. The goal is to empower students to make informed decisions about source selection rather than simply avoiding certain domains. Attendees will leave with practical strategies and resources to implement this lesson in their own classrooms.
Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:55pm - 2:40pm EDT
Room 126

Attendees (2)

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